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Malvern 1.8m memorial bench - John Nettleton an...
John Nettleton and Garth Gibson. Shantymen, who set sail in 2009. Sing on in Heaven's Bar. Donated by Eagle One Homes carved inscription to top rail no.of lines: 2font: lucinda...
Malvern 1.8m memorial bench - John Nettleton an...
John Nettleton and Garth Gibson. Shantymen, who set sail in 2009. Sing on in Heaven's Bar. Donated by Eagle One Homes carved inscription to top rail no.of lines: 2font: lucinda...

Kenilworth 1.8m teak engraved bench with centra...
Presented to the school on 10 May 2014 by Sir David Foskett, OW carved inscription to top rail no.of lines: 1font: times new romansize of font: 1.5 inchcarved inscription to...
Kenilworth 1.8m teak engraved bench with centra...
Presented to the school on 10 May 2014 by Sir David Foskett, OW carved inscription to top rail no.of lines: 1font: times new romansize of font: 1.5 inchcarved inscription to...